(Redirected from Service Beacon)

Creating a beacon
- Locate "Create Beacon" on the far right of the Contract Manager of the MobiGlas.
- Select a "Beacon Type" and subsequent options.
- Personal Transport: Destination, reputation requirements, payment offered.
- Combat Assistance: Reputation requirements, payment offered.
- Medical Assistance: Reputation requirements, payment offered.
- Created beacons can be viewed under the Beacons tab.
- Created beacons can be canceled at any time.
- Payment amount will be deducted at the time of beacon creation.
- Incapped players need to hold 'M' for sending out a rescue beacon.
Accepting a beacon
- Beacons can be found under the "Service Beacons" group of the "General" tab of the Contract Manager.
- Beacons will display beacon type, initiator's name, and payment offered.
- Once accepted, you can cancel/withdraw from the contract at anytime.
Completing a beacon
- Upon successful completion of a beacon mission, the payment will be automatically transferred.
- Completed beacons will automatically move to the "History" tab.
- Transport beacons will automatically be completed based on the transport destination.
- Successfully completed beacons will automatically get a "positive" rating.
- Upon cancellation, players can "rate" the other party "positive" or "negative".
- Players can also view their current reputation on the beacons tab.