%smw_multilingual_text | "If the used SMW attributes are multi-lingual set the flag to 'true'." | |
smw_multilingual_text | false | |
%module_lang | "Set the language of the module, if set to 'null' the content language of the wiki will be used." | |
module_lang | null | |
%icon_prefix | "Prefix used to generate the icon file name. File names are then generated as 'icon_prefix ICON.svg" | |
icon_prefix | "sc-icon-" | |
%icon_name_lowercase | "Use lower-cased version of icon names" | |
icon_name_lowercase | true | |
%icon_name_localized | "Use the translated hardpoint type as the icon name, else the hardpoint type is taken as is." | |
icon_name_localized | false | |
%template_styles_page | "Page that containing the hardpoint styles" | |
template_styles_page | "Module:VehicleHardpoint/styles.css" | |
%name_fixes | "List of item names that as ambiguous. Maps a key (the name of the equipped hardpoint item) to the correct page on the wiki." | |
name_fixes |