This template handles data related to vehicles.
On the vehicle page
- Saves template parameters and API data as SMW data
- Set category from SMW data
- Set short description from SMW data
- Display infobox from SMW data
On other pages, it can be used to display the infobox of other vehicles.
The template should fill in data automatically from API even if there are no template parameters.
Optional parameters:
| uuid = <!-- UUID of the vehicle -->
| image = <!-- Image name on wiki -->
| manufacturer = <!-- Manufacturer code -->
| productionstate = <!-- In Concept/In Production/Flight Ready -->
| productionstatedesc = <!-- [[Star Citizen Alpha X.X.X|Alpha X.X.X]] -->
| mincrew = <!-- Minimum crew of the vehicle -->
| maxcrew = <!-- Maximum crew of the vehicle -->
| pledgecost = <!-- Current pledge store price -->
| originalpledgecost = <!-- Initial pledge store price -->
| warbondcost = <!-- Current warbond pledge store price -->
| originalwarbondcost = <!-- Initial warbond pledge store price -->
| pledgeavailability = <!-- Always available/Time-limited sales/Quantity-limited sales/Promotion-only -->
| length = <!-- Length of the vehicle -->
| retractedlength = <!-- Length of the vehicle in retracted state -->
| height = <!-- Height of the vehicle -->
| retractedheight = <!-- Height of the vehicle in retracted state -->
| width = <!-- Width of the vehicle -->
| retractedwidth = <!-- Width of the vehicle in retracted state -->
| releasedate = <!-- Lore release date of the vehicle -->
| retiredate = <!-- Lore retirement date of the vehicle -->
| developedfrom = <!-- Wikilink of the predecessor of the vehicle -->
| developedinto = <!-- Wikilink of the successor of the vehicle -->
| conceptdate = <!-- Date when the vehicle was first announced -->
| rsistoreurl = <!-- URL of pledge store page -->
| brochureurl = <!-- URL of vehicle brochure page -->
| trailerurl = <!-- URL of trailer page on YouTube -->
| presentationurl1 = <!-- URL of the comm-link presentation page -->
| qandaurl1 = <!-- URL of Q&A page -->
| galactapediaurl = <!-- URL of Galactapedia page -->
| whitleysguideurl = <!-- URL of Whitley's Guide page -->
| name = <!-- Name override of the vehicle if different from the page name -->
| smwqueryname = <!-- SMW query override -->
| queryimage = <!-- Image override for other templates such as vehicle variants -->
The following parameters are needed if there are no data in game or on ship matrix.
| name = <!-- Vehicle name -->
| size = <!-- Size of the vehicle (e.g. vehicle/small/medium/large/capital) -->
| role = <!-- Role in game description or RSI website -->
| cargocapacity = <!-- Cargo capacity in SCU -->
Handles data related to vehicles.
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
Image | image | The file name of the image of the ship/vehicle
| String | suggested |
Name | name | The name of the ship/vehicle
| String | required |
Manufacturer | manufacturer | The manufacturer code of the manufacturer who made the ship/vehicle
| String | suggested |
Role | role | The role of the ship/vehicle
| String | suggested |
Size | size | The size of the ship/vehicle (Vehicle/Snub/Small/Medium/Large/Capital)
| String | suggested |
Numeric size | sizenum | Numeric size of the vehicle
| Number | suggested |
Min crew | mincrew | The minimum crew of the ship/vehicle
| Number | required |
Max crew | maxcrew | The maximum crew of the ship/vehicle
| Number | required |
Ship/vehicle series | series | The ship/vehicle series that this ship/vehicle belongs to
| String | optional |
Cargo capacity | cargocapacity | The cargo capacity of the ship in SCU
| Number | suggested |
Production state | productionstate | The production state of the ship/vehicle from RSI website
| String | optional |
Production state description | productionstatedesc | Additional description that will explain the production state
| String | optional |
Pledge avaliability | pledgeavailability | The pledge availability of the ship/vehicle
| String | optional |
Pledge cost | pledgecost | The pledge cost in USD of the ship/vehicle on RSI website
| Number | optional |
Original pledge cost | originalpledgecost | The original pledge cost in USD of the vehicle when it first announced
| Number | optional |
Warbond cost | warbondcost | The warbond cost in USD of the ship/vehicle on RSI website | Number | optional |
Original Warbond cost | originalwarbondcost | The original pledge cost in USD of the vehicle when it first announced | Number | optional |
Length | length | The length of the ship/vehicle
| Number | suggested |
Width | width beam | The width of the ship/vehicle
| Number | suggested |
Height | height | The height of the ship/vehicle
| Number | suggested |
Combat speed | combatspeed | The combat speed of the ship/vehicle, where the default speed limiter is (only needed if different from in-game or ship matrix data)
| Number | optional |
Maximum speed | maxspeed | The maximum speed of the ship/vehicle (only needed if different from in-game or ship matrix data)
| Number | optional |
Mass | mass | The null cargo mass of the ship (only needed if different from in-game or ship matrix data)
| Number | optional |
Introduction | releasedate | First release date of the vehicle in lore
| Date | optional |
Retired | retiredate | Retirement date of the vehicle in lore
| Date | optional |
RSI store URL | rsistoreurl | The URL of the ship/vehicle on RSI store (note that it is not the package page)
| URL | suggested |
Galactapedia URL | galactapediaurl | The URL of the ship/vehicle on Galactapedia
| URL | optional |
Presentation URL | presentationurl1 presentationurl | The URL of the presentation page in Comm-Link
| URL | suggested |
Brochure URL | brochureurl | The URL of the vehicle brochure
| URL | optional |
Trailer URL | trailerurl | The URL of the vehicle trailer
| URL | optional |
Q&A URL 1 | qandaurl1 | The URL of the Q&A
| URL | optional |
Q&A URL 2 | qandaurl2 | The URL of the Q&A
| URL | optional |
Q&A URL 3 | qandaurl3 | The URL of the Q&A
| URL | optional |
Presentation URL 2 | presentationurl2 | The URL of the presentation page in Comm-Link | URL | optional |
Presentation URL 3 | presentationurl3 | The URL of the presentation page in Comm-Link | URL | optional |
Announced date | conceptdate | Date when the vehicle was first announced
| Date | optional |
Whitley's Guide URL | whitleysguideurl | The URL of the Whitley's Guide page in Comm-Link
| URL | suggested |
Retracted length | retractedlength | Length of the vehicle in retracted state | Number | optional |
Retracted height | retractedheight | Height of the vehicle in retracted state | Number | optional |
Retracted width | retractedwidth | Width of the vehicle in retracted state | Number | optional |
UUID | uuid | UUID of the Vehicle/Ship
| String | suggested |
SMW query name | smwqueryname | The page name to load data from | Page name | optional |
Query image | queryimage | The file name of the alternative image of the ship/vehicle used by other templates
| File | optional |