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Comm-Link:2125 - A Dark Day

From the Star Citizen Wiki, the fidelity™ encyclopedia
2125: A Dark Day
SeriesTime Capsule
TypeSpectrum Dispatch
Source2125: A Dark Day
In the series
Title Published
2075: The Stars Get A Little Closer 2012-09-08
2113: When Do We Go Too Far? 2012-09-09
2120: Give These People Air 2012-09-12
2125: A Dark Day 2012-09-13
2140: A Ship in Every Garage 2012-09-14
2157: Blue Skies on Mars 2012-09-15
2214: The March of Progress 2012-09-16
2232: The First Push 2012-09-17
2262: The Neso Triangle 2012-09-18
2271: One Small Jump for Man 2012-09-19
2380: Together We Rise 2012-09-20
2438: Hello 2012-09-21
2460: Breathe Free 2012-09-22
2516: A Better Earth 2012-09-23
2523: The Three Pillars 2012-09-20
2530: The Galaxy Gets Bigger 2012-09-25
2541: Awfully Crowded in My Sky 2012-09-26
2546: A Leader Rises 2012-09-27
2610: Tears of Fire 2012-09-28
2638: A Call for Sovereignty 2012-09-29
2681: Scorched Earth 2012-09-30
2758: Not in Nottingham 2012-10-01
2789: A Cold War Thaws 2012-10-02
2792: The Tide Rises 2012-10-03
2795: A Kinder, Gentler Human 2012-10-04
2800: The Neutral Zone 2012-10-05
2872: Behold Sisyphus 2012-10-06
2920: The Money Pit 2012-10-07
2928: Campaign Promises 2012-10-08
2934: A Dreamer Dreams 2012-10-09
2942. . . 2012-10-10

<translate> Source: Sentinel NewsOrg

Uploaded: Mid-Atlantic Servers @ 7:53EST

Author: Kelsey Forset


Today is a dark day. In the pursuit of human advancement, the history books tend to favor the brave men and women who succeed. The Wright Brothers, the John Glenns, the Edwin Pierces distinguished themselves because they were the ones that did it, that made it through. But around the monolith of every achievement are the bodies of those that tried and failed. Today is a dark day and today we’re going to celebrate the brave men and women who laid down their lives in the tragedy that struck Mars at 04:38 EST this morning.

While the public waits for an official statement regarding what happened, our sources have indicated that a chemical miscalculation in the planetary atmospheric processors made the new atmosphere unstable. “[The atmosphere] didn’t stick,” said a government official who asked not to be named. The planet was in the final stages of terraforming. An oxygen-sustaining environment had been in place for the past two weeks. The scientific community on the planet were still vetting the system but were two days away from officially declaring the planet secure.

This confidence in the atmosphere meant that none of the crew were wearing the appropriate breathing apparatus. While technically a violation of operating protocol, we are told that there was no indication for the ground crew to assume that the atmosphere was anything but stable. Whatever was ultimately responsible happened so fast that no one was able to sound an alarm or seal the ventilations of the various installations around the planet.

The tragedy will no doubt rekindle the long-standing arguments about the merits of terraforming. In the President’s blog-statement this morning, she addressed the possibility of an International committee to investigate how to move forward from this. “While I understand that the notion of terraforming stirs emotions both for and against, the four thousand eight hundred and seventy-six souls died working to push humanity forward, we need to make sure that whatever decision we come to, we move forward honoring the sacrifice made by the heroes of Mars.”

. . . END FILE </translate>
