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Comm-Link:Advocacy Archive - Operation Scimitar

From the Star Citizen Wiki, the fidelity™ encyclopedia
Advocacy Archive - Operation Scimitar
SeriesAdvocacy Archive
TypeSpectrum Dispatch
SourceAdvocacy Archive - Operation Scimitar
In the series
Title Published
Advocacy Case File - Twor, Wynton - Smuggler 2013-01-09
Advocacy Case File - Assassination Contract 2013-02-19
Advocacy Archive - Missing Person Advisory 2013-07-10
Advocacy Archive - Xi’an Spy 2013-08-28
Advocacy Archive - Operation Scimitar 2013-10-30
Advocacy Archive - Orpheus 2013-12-18
Advocacy Archive - CaseFile-XT-54631H 2014-02-26
Advocacy Archive - Information Request 2014-03-14
Advocacy Archive - Catch & Release 2014-11-05
Advocacy Archive - Manhunt 2015-04-08
Advocacy Archive - Lost & Found 2015-06-24
Advocacy Archive - Glaive Attack 2015-10-21
Advocacy Archive - Abduction 2016-03-09
Advocacy Archive - Operation Forseti 2016-10-04
Advocacy Archive - Waitaha 2017-04-12
Advocacy Archive - Hard Place 2017-09-20
Advocacy Archive - As Good As Dunn 2019-01-30
Advocacy Archive - Bounties 2013-04-02



User Back/Up: #354789jh_432

Sent 2943-10-27_07:12 SET

To: SC Jaffe Porter, SC Lia Qu, SC Derek Tran, SC Xavier Flynn, SC Kristin Ward

From: Thomas D. Carmody

Re: Operation Scimitar Confirmed

I have just received authorization to commence OPERATION SCIMITAR. I have been speaking with many of you over the past few weeks in an attempt to lay some ground work, but was hesitant to reveal too many details until Imperator Costigan, High-Secretary Sharrad and High-Advocate Upshaw gave their official approval.

Attached with this relay you will find all data files mentioned in this briefing along with approval orders for your local records.

I want to preface that this Operation is not a condemnation or meant to be interpreted as an attack on your branch’s arrest stats. In short, the Imperator and High-Advocate want a show of force throughout the systems positioned along the Xi’An border. We want your agents to sweep their territories. I want a full crackdown on any open bounties or outstanding warrants. They should squeeze any local assets for leads on any new players of interest in the area.

Coordinate with local police and militia if applicable to increase their visibility as well. If anyone steps out of line in their presence, they are to be taken down, publicly.

Now, in the past, this type of operation might make some agents think that we’re cutting the leash. I will say this once. Anyone who thinks that this is an excuse for Imperial-backed skull-cracking will be disciplined as harshly as the criminals. I want tough but professional out there, not brutal.

Please review the attached Operational details and feel free to ask if something is unclear.

Thomas D. Carmody


Office of the Advocacy

New York, Earth, Sol

Received 2943-10-28_16:38 SET

To: Thomas D. Carmody

Cc: SC Jaffe Porter, SC Lia Qu, SC Xavier Flynn, SC Kristin Ward

From: SC Derek Tran

Re: Operation Scimitar Confirmed

Hello sir,

I apologize for the delay. I was en route back to Kiel when your comm arrived. I’ve reviewed the Operation data with my staff and my ASC has started drafting orders to pass along to our local SACs. I will brief them personally before giving them the final go-ahead to pursue the objectives.

One thing I wanted to discuss: we have noticed a decrease of Naval vessels in our system. I’ve been told that they have been redeployed for war simulations in Magnus. In the past, we have utilized the military for tactical support in the execution of high-risk interceptions. I will collate a list of heavy-hitters suspected in Kiel, but should I avoid apprehending these targets until we have some kind of support?


Derek Tran

Section Chief

Office of the Advocacy

Eri City, Severus, Kiel

Sent 2943-10-28_17:03 SET

To: SC Derek Tran

Cc: SC Jaffe Porter, SC Lia Qu, SC Xavier Flynn, SC Kristin Ward

From: Thomas D. Carmody

Re: Operation Scimitar Confirmed

Hello SC Tran,

I would not count on receiving any military assets. I will leave it to you and your team’s strategic discretion as to whether you have adequate resources to apprehend suspects with a high potential for violence. Loss of life among Advocacy personnel and local assets should be avoided.

Thomas D. Carmody


Office of the Advocacy

New York, Earth, Sol

Received 2943-10-29_20:51 SET

To: Thomas D. Carmody

From: SC Derek Tran

Re: Operation Scimitar Confirmed

Hello sir,

Understood. We will weigh the value of the target versus the potential casualties when making our decision.

Also, forgive me for asking, but I get the impression that the real emphasis here is a public show of strength rather than a new approach to crime. Since the Operation is only assigned to systems near their border, I also get the impression that this display is directed against the Xi’An, especially when you factor in the Imperator’s latest demand for Gallen’s release and Navy’s sudden decision to run war simulations. I’ll be honest, I don’t care either way. I will absolutely toe the line. I just like to know what my orders are.

I’ve removed the other SC’s from this response.


Derek Tran

Section Chief

Office of the Advocacy

Eri City, Severus, Kiel

Sent 2943-10-29_21:01 SET

To: SC Derek Tran

From: Thomas D. Carmody

Re: Operation Scimitar Confirmed

SC Tran,

The bigger picture is not our concern. We have our orders and we will follow them.

Thomas D. Carmody


Office of the Advocacy

New York, Earth, Sol