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Comm-Link:Congress Now - 2944-01-21

From the Star Citizen Wiki, the fidelity™ encyclopedia
Congress Now - 2944-01-21
SeriesCongress Now
TypeSpectrum Dispatch
SourceCongress Now - 2944-01-21
In the series
Title Published
Congress Now: Gold Horizon Initiative 2013-11-20
Congress Now - 2942-08-04 2012-11-21
Congress Now - 2942-02-05 2013-04-09
Congress Now - 2943-05-13 2013-05-21
Congress Now - 2943-06-18 2013-06-25
Congress Now - 2943-07-15 2013-07-24
Congress Now - 2943-09-23 2013-09-25
Congress Now - 2944-01-21 2014-01-22
Congress Now - 2944-04-08 2014-04-09
Congress Now - Mediation Hearing of Charon III 2014-07-30
Congress Now - Emergency Session 2014-12-10
Congress Now - Senator Polo Unveils Bill 2015-02-25
Congress Now - Goldfinch Hearings 2015-05-20
Congress Now - QuarterDeck Crisis 2015-07-01
Congress Now - AD8-4329 Hearing 2015-08-26
Congress Now - Vega II Recognition Review 2015-11-11
Congress Now - Amendment 27 2016-05-18
Congress Now - Sensible Synthworld Amendment 2016-08-24
Congress Now - The Kossi Amendment 2017-02-08
Congress Now - HuXa Vote 2017-06-06
Congress Now - Torral Aggregate Testimony 2017-11-14



2944-01-21 SET

Session AutoScript

Proofed and Admitted – Assistant Archivist Burg (#748392BDF)

2944-01-21_09:32 – Session Begins

SENATOR ERROL GANS (CLockeIdris Sys): Good morning, everyone. As we have a quorum, I call this meeting of the Senate Subcommittee on Commerce & Trade to order. Please take your seats. First order of business, we will continue hearing the Senator from Terra’s proposal. Senator Albervar, are you prepared?

SENATOR KELOS ALBERVAR (TTerraTerra Sys): Yes, Mister Chair.

SENATOR ERROL GANS (C – Locke – Idris Sys): You may proceed, then.

SENATOR KELOS ALBERVAR (T – Terra – Terra Sys): Honorable ladies and gentlemen, I don’t wish to consume any more of your time. In summary, granting the Jysho Corporation a business certificate to open franchises in the UEE could be a remarkable first step to improved relations with the Xi’An Empire as well as a needed boost to the local economies. I could keep talking, but I imagine the projections you see in front of you speak for themselves. With that, I will yield the remainder of my time for questions.

SENATOR ERROL GANS (C – Locke – Idris Sys): Thank you, Senator. Anyone?

SENATOR YORI CO (C – GreenEllis Sys): If I may?

SENATOR ERROL GANS (C – Locke – Idris Sys): Chair recognizes the Senator from Ellis.

SENATOR YORI CO (C – Green – Ellis Sys): Thank you. Senator Albervar, I’ve only skimmed through your proposal since last night, but I didn’t see a mention of limits.

SENATOR KELOS ALBERVAR (T – Terra – Terra Sys): Forgive me, Senator, but limits of what?

SENATOR YORI CO (C – Green – Ellis Sys): Well, how many of these stores … what are they called?

SENATOR KELOS ALBERVAR (T – Terra – Terra Sys): The franchise is called CTR.

SENATOR YORI CO (C – Green – Ellis Sys): And what is it they’re meant to sell?

SENATOR KELOS ALBERVAR (T – Terra – Terra Sys): It’s all outlined in their business plan, Senator.

SENATOR YORI CO (C – Green – Ellis Sys): Illuminate me.

SENATOR KELOS ALBERVAR (T – Terra – Terra Sys): They offer refueling and repair services.

SENATOR YORI CO (C – Green – Ellis Sys): Refueling and repair … right, well, back to my original point, you didn’t indicate how many of these refueling and repair stations the business certificate would let them open.

SENATOR KELOS ALBERVAR (T – Terra – Terra Sys): That’s true. A certificate to do business is a certificate to do business. I don’t recall any previous certificates that specify the number of stores.

SENATOR YORI CO (C – Green – Ellis Sys): I know you’re proudly touting the positive economic numbers in your data, but don’t you think that it’s irresponsible to not impose a limitation?

SENATOR KELOS ALBERVAR (T – Terra – Terra Sys): Irresponsible? No. They’re a business. They applied for a license to sell in the UEE. We analyze the license and either approve it or not. Right now, I’m not

SENATOR YORI CO (C – Green – Ellis Sys): Well, let’s imagine a scenario where these CTR refueling and repair stations start opening up all over. They’re on Terra and Croshaw, even Earth. These stores start outselling their Human-owned counterparts and dominating the marketplace —

SENATOR KELOS ALBERVAR (T – Terra – Terra Sys): With all due respect, Senator …

SENATOR YORI CO (C – Green – Ellis Sys): Allow me to finish. If these stations began to dominate the marketplace, wouldn’t we be effectively handing over a large portion of our commercial sector to a foreign power? One, I might add, that has been duplicitous in the best of times.

SENATOR KELOS ALBERVAR (T – Terra – Terra Sys): If you’re suggesting that we reject the application, simply because it might create competition in our marketplace —

SENATOR YORI CO (C – Green – Ellis Sys): I’m suggesting that these businesses threaten or proposes to threaten the livelihood of our constituents. I mean, isn’t that our true purpose here? Monitoring commerce and trade to determine what’s equitable for the people who put us here. As such, wouldn’t you say that it is our duty to protect them first? Rather than our pockets?

SENATOR KELOS ALBERVAR (T – Terra – Terra Sys): Excuse me?

SENATOR ERROL GANS (C – Locke – Idris Sys): Senator Co, you will refrain from such inflammatory remarks. You have been warned before.

SENATOR YORI CO (C – Green – Ellis Sys): I withdraw the question.

SENATOR ERROL GANS (C – Locke – Idris Sys): Note for Archivist, strike that last remark from the record. We will take a short recess and when we resume, we will continue to discuss Senator Albervar’s proposal in a civil manner. Senator Co, a word.