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Comm-Link:DataCache - Future Business

From the Star Citizen Wiki, the fidelity™ encyclopedia
DataCache: Future Business
TypeSpectrum Dispatch
SourceDataCache: Future Business
In the series
Title Published
DataCache: commscan_caseythilo 2014-12-17
DataCache: Future Business 2016-11-01
DataCache: Hide and Seek - //##trace.blocked##// 2017-10-28
DataCache: Nemesis 2017-04-19
DataCache: Project Ouadeen 2016-01-13
DataCache: scire_facias 2014-10-08
DataCache: The Tevarin Plan 2016-06-29

To: scire_facias

From: Dignigrato

Sub: Business Proposition


Let me introduce myself. I dabble in the same circles as you, and my track record is such that a mutual acquaintance of ours felt comfortable providing your contact info to me. I’m a great admirer of your work so I’ve taken steps to ensure this comm is clean and secure. The trace you’re running on this now will illustrate just how serious I am.

I came across something that might interest you, so it seemed like the natural time for me to reach out. The other day, my Herald was tapped into a relay in Pallas and shifting through all the data. Most of it was worthless until this one tranche piqued my interest. I started to run a decrypt on it but the thing was locked down tighter than Corin.

Based on the level of encryption on that transmission, the Xi’An are protecting something big. Maybe intel on that mysterious research station they built in atmo of Pallas IV. I’m sure we both know plenty of people who would pay handsomely for any info on it.

Let me know if you’re interested. I’ll supply the coordinates and other specifics. You work your magic. If its value is on par with its security, then there’ll be plenty of compensation to go around.

This works out, I’m hoping to loop you in on future business too. Like you, I have a knack for finding things discreetly, and in all honestly, I believe I’ve outgrown the opportunities provided by our mutual acquaintance.

Sincerely, Dignigrato


To: Dignigrato

From: scire_facias

Re: intro


blind subs arent my thing but send the info and ill look



To: scire_facias

From: Dignigrato

Re: intro


Info is attached. Hope you have better luck with it than I did. Someone put in serious work to keep this stuff under wraps.

By the way, I’ve already got a line on something else. Won’t say much about it now, just that it could make passage through customs in Corel a lot easier for someone.

Happy hunting! Can’t wait to see what you find.


< attachment: Pallas_Info.ssp >


To: pubmud

From: scire_facias

Subject: ??


pub -

leeched some stuff off a relay in pallas. took a good bit of wrangling to crack it. tacking on one of the schematics i found.

is this what i think it is? looks like the xian research station everyones clawing for intel about. can u confirm?


< attachment: schematic.ssp >


To: scire_facias

From: pubmud

Re: ??


How the hell did you find this? Far as I can see, it matches all the known intel on the Pallas IV station. Shape lines up with the recon photos. Even confirms the location of its gravity gens.

Is this it or do you have more? Additional details and schematics could bring in a small fortune. Word is the Xi tech being used there is beyond anything at Crusader. Plus, nobody knows what they’re researching. Anything that hints at what they’re doing with that gas giant would be worth some serious creds.

Know a few parties that would be interested, if you want to expand your circle. Give the word, and a better sense of what you’ve got, and I can quietly drum up extra interest.



To: pubmud

From: scire_facias

Re: ??


theres a bit more meat on the bone than what i shared with you, but gonna sit on what i have. maybe go back to the well to see if theres more to drink up.

might be willing to loop you into the deal if you can supply some intel on pallas shipping routes. need a little nugget to throw someone off the trail. doesnt need to be top tier, just juicy enough to make it feel like a big deal to an anklebiter.



To: scire_facias

From: pubmud

Re: ??


How about this?

Also, are you feeling alright? You’re not one to feed the minnows.


< attachment: PallasShippingRoutes.ssp >


To: pubmud

From: scire_facias

Re: ??


come on, you know me. this is purely business.

the fewer in on this the better, but dont wanna burn this bridge just yet.



To: Dignigrato

From: scire_facias

Re: intro


took a bit of work but i found it. turns out you were right and wrong. theres some solid intel here, but its all on xian shipping routes in-system.

youll see i redacted one of em, thats my fee for services provided. still plenty of primo routes someone would pay good creds for. know a buyer or two if youre interested.

gotta admit, its not often someone new checks out and delivers something of value. consider me interested in other opportunities. maybe my expertise could come in handy again.


< attachment: PallasShippingRoutes.ssp >