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Comm-Link:DataCache - The Tevarin Plan

From the Star Citizen Wiki, the fidelity™ encyclopedia
DataCache: The Tevarin Plan
TypeSpectrum Dispatch
SourceDataCache: The Tevarin Plan
In the series
Title Published
DataCache: commscan_caseythilo 2014-12-17
DataCache: Future Business 2016-11-01
DataCache: Hide and Seek - //##trace.blocked##// 2017-10-28
DataCache: Nemesis 2017-04-19
DataCache: Project Ouadeen 2016-01-13
DataCache: scire_facias 2014-10-08
DataCache: The Tevarin Plan 2016-06-29

To: leeth

From: scire_facias Sub: biz prop



we need to talk. you dont know me but ive learned alot about you.

was workin in chronos when info about your company found its way to me. nifty little racket youre running. taking a % of resources and supplies your concern ships to the synthworld and diverting them to branaugh instead. funny thing, your companys past 8 quarterly reports dont mention it at all.

guessing some shareholders wouldnt be happy youre sending supplies to a planet of tevs instead of the synthworld. sure there are plenty of competitors willing to pay for such info.

good thing ima reasonable individual and offering you right of 1st refusal. this info will be sold. if not back to you then someone else.

u have 1 SED to respond …



To: scire_facias

From: leeth

Sub: Re: biz prop


I don’t know how you got this account, but understand that I do not respond to blackmail. I will be forwarding your information to local authorities. I’m sure they’ll be in touch.



To: leeth

From: scire_facias

Sub: Re: biz prop


hahahahahaha …. maybe the attached will change your mind. if you have any issues interpreting the data then show it to your team. theyll tell you how imperially blasted you are.

btw whats attached isnt even the most interesting breadcrumb you dropped. also leeched a series of comms between you and some associates on branaugh 2. i really liked the message dated 2946.6.13 where you pledged your “undying support” for their future plan.

listen i understand why youre all hot and heavy over this plan. youre a tev with a shipping empire and strong ties to the system. makes you primed to profit big time. sure you could weather the blowback if your connections to this expanding tevarin colony leaks … but what about senator kossi?

you pumped a lot of creds into his campaign to help him win. it wont matter if senator kossi knows about whats happening in branaugh or not. some unscrupulous soul could look at this info and make claims about who is really behind the senator. itd kill his career before it began.

still sure u want me to sell this info to someone else?


< attachment: leethbranaughbiz.ssp >


To: scire_facias

From: leeth

Sub: Re: biz prop


How much to make this go away? I’ll need ironclad assurances.



To: leeth

From: scire_facias

Sub: Re: biz prop


as for assurances if i told you i torched everything would you really believe me? in my experience the best way to build trust is through a mutually beneficial business relationship. so heres my offer …

silence is expensive but im not into creds. info is my currency of choice. so youre going to keep giving me updates on what youre shipping into branaugh and how your fellow tevs are progressing on their plan.

do that and ill stay silent. hell – ill even explain how to fix your flawed security so no one else can screw you.




To: scire_facias

From: leeth

Sub: Re: biz prop


Normally, I avoid doing business with people I don’t know, but you’ve left me no other option. I agree to your terms, and will offer you this as a show of good faith.

Senator Kossi has no idea what’s going on in Branaugh. I’m certain you’ve scoured my comms in search of a smoking gun, but it’s not there. He is a true statesman and wholeheartedly dedicated to making the UEE a better place for all Citizens and civilians.

Come after me all you want, but if Senator Kossi gets dragged into this, there will be severe consequences. What he represents is bigger than both of us. After 300 years, the Tevarin people are just starting to become part of the fabric of this empire. All that progress will be washed away if he gets tied to this.

So I’ll be abundantly clear, if you take Kossi down, I will spare no expense to exact my revenge on you. I’ve worked hard to become a Citizen and stake out my place in this empire, but trust me, I didn’t grow my business into a massive multi-system operation without learning a few tricks. If you ruin him, you’ll only guarantee your own demise.

Now that we’re business partners, I’m trusting you’ll do what’s in the best interest of all parties involved.



To: leeth

From: scire_facias

Sub: Re: biz prop


ill expect weekly updates on branaugh. keep feeding me info and we wont have a problem.
