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Stoddard Research Center: Transportation Policy Poll | |||||||||
Series | Stoddard Research Center | ||||||||
Type | Spectrum Dispatch | ||||||||
ID | 15713 | ||||||||
Published | 2017-02-15 | ||||||||
Source | Stoddard Research Center: Transportation Policy Poll | ||||||||
In the series | |||||||||
Thank you so much for your assistance in answering the following questionnaire regarding the current state of interplanetary and interstellar transportation within the UEE. As a registered ship owner, your opinion is invaluable to help shape transportation policies across the Empire. Analysis of the answers provided will assist in guiding the Department of Transportation and Navigation forward as Humanity continues to change demographically, economically and politically.
We are a nonprofit and nonpartisan research group whose mission is to generate a foundation of data that enriches the public dialogue and supports sound decision-making. To ensure that, the information we generate is of the greatest value to policymakers, Stoddard Research Center is committed to conducting inquiries in a manner that is impartial, open-minded and meets the highest standards of methodological integrity.
To this end, we encourage you to read each question thoroughly and consider each answer carefully. There are no right or wrong responses, but it is important that your opinions are accurately and truthfully recorded. For convenience, all questions and responses concerning dates and lengths of time are given in SET. If you answer “other” to a question, please feel free to elaborate in the section provided below.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Jasper Milon
Senior Research Analyst
Stoddard Research Center
Note: This poll is intended only for registered ship owners. If you believe you have received this survey in error, we apologize and kindly ask that you disregard this comm. Click here to unsubscribe from future communications.
1) Approximately how many years have you owned your current primary vehicle?
A) Less than 1 year
B) 1 to 3 years
C) 4 to 6 years
D) 7 to 10 years
E) Over 10 years
2) On average, how much time do you spend aboard your primary vehicle?
A) No more than a few hours a month
B) A few days a month
C) A few days a week
D) It is my primary residence
3) Which of the following options best describes the main role your primary vehicle serves?
A) Industry
B) Security
C) Transportation
D) Hauling
E) Recreation
F) Racing
G) Other
4) Is your primary vehicle quantum capable?
A) Yes
B) No
5) Is your primary vehicle jump capable?
A) Yes
B) No
6) How safe do you feel while flying your vessel in UEE space?
A) Very safe
B) Moderately safe
C) Unsafe
D) Very unsafe
7) If you were accosted by outlaws while flying, which of the below examples comes closest to describing how you would respond?
A) Return fire and attempt to disable the outlaws.
B) Return fire and attempt to destroy the outlaws.
C) Comm the outlaws and attempt to negotiate.
D) Comply with the outlaws’ demands.
E) Try to escape.
F) Other.
8) How many times in the past year was your primary vehicle involved in a violent altercation within a UEE system?
A) None
B) 2 or fewer
C) 3 to 5
D) 6 to 10
E) More than 10
9) Have you undergone forceful interdiction while quantum traveling in the past year?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Not applicable
10) How many times in the past year was your primary vehicle replaced by your insurance provider?
A) None
B) Once
C) Twice
D) Three times
E) More than three
F) Don’t have insurance
11) In your best estimate, what was the most frequent cause of your ship needing to be replaced by your insurance?
A) Accidental collision
B) Attack
C) Failed jump tunnel navigation
D) Engineering malfunction
E) Other
F) Not applicable
12) Are you currently considering the purchase of a new ship?
A) Yes
B) No
13) When shopping for a new vehicle, which of the following best describes your top concern?
A) Cost
B) Styling
C) Comfort
D) Efficiency
E) Reliability
F) Security
G) Speed
H) Other
14) Which of the following responses would best describe your main reason for purchasing a new ship?
A) Current ship is run down.
B) Want a larger vessel.
C) Want to take advantage of new technological advances.
D) Embarking on a new career opportunity.
E) Desire a more luxurious ship.
F) My previous primary vehicle was lost in a manner in which it could not be replaced.
G) Other
H) Not applicable
15) Which of the following would you consider the biggest concern regarding spaceflight today?
A) Inexperienced pilots flying unsafely.
B) Insufficient parking infrastructure at landing zones.
C) Long scan wait times to clear customs at landing zones.
D) Lack of security along flight lanes.
E) The rising cost of insurance premiums.
F) The Vanduul.
G) I am satisfied with the current state of spaceflight.
H) Other.
16) How would you rate the performance of the UEE in keeping flight lanes safe?
A) Excellent
B) Good
C) Average
D) Below Average
E) Terrible
17) How would you rate Emergency Comm Network coverage on average within the UEE?
A) Excellent
B) Good
C) Average
D) Below Average
E) Terrible
18) Which of the below statements best matches your feelings on the Traffic Safety Board’s current speed and acceleration limits?
A) I believe speed limits should be reduced.
B) I am satisfied with the current imposed limits.
C) I believe speed limits should be increased.
D) I believe pilots should be able to decide what speeds they are comfortable flying at.
E) Other.
F) Not applicable.
19) Which of the following ship weapon regulations would you be most interested in seeing implemented in the UEE?
A) Ship weapons must be non-lethal.
B) The sale of ship weapons must be tracked and limited.
C) Civilian ships may not be armed without specific licensing.
D) The UEE must allow the sale of all weapons, including previously unavailable military-grade arms, to civilians.
E) Other.
F) None. I am satisfied with the current state of ship weapon regulations.
20) Which of the following safety regulations would you be most interested in seeing implemented in the UEE?
A) All vehicles must come with ejection seats standard.
B) All ships must have active insurance coverage to fly.
C) All passengers aboard space vessels must wear atmospheric suits.
D) Manual controls for ladders and ramps must be installed a safe distance away from the point of ingress.
E) All ships must travel along designated flight lanes unless they receive specific permission.
F) Other.
G) None. I am satisfied with the current state of ship safety regulations.