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Easter Eggs

From the Star Citizen Wiki, the fidelity™ encyclopedia

Easter eggs are references, messages, images etc that are usually hard to find or notice but can be obvious to a few, that the developers have put in Star Citizen.

"We will have quite a few homages as we go on and it will be kind of fun.  We do it because we like it, everyone here are sci-fi fans and I think most of you guys are.  So, there you go." -Chris Roberts[1]

Wing Commander III scene
Wing Commander Easter Egg in 300 Series Commercial Director's Cut
Wing Commander conductor
CitizenCon 2953 conductor

Squadron 42 first trailer

The entire first trailer for Squadron 42 is very similar to the Wing Commander video.

  • It takes place in the Kurasawa System, home of Wing Commander I Ralari Defense mission.
  • The carrier is the same class as the Tiger's Claw, and its name is in honor of the famous Origin artist.
  • The UEES Paul Steed is named after Paul Steed, who had worked with Chris Roberts among others on Strike Commander and several Wing Commander games at Origin Systems.
  • The takeoff sequence from the Paul Steed's flight deck also mirrors that from the Tiger Claw's.
  • The ambush scene is very similar to the Tiger's claw ambush in the Wing Commander II intro
  • The Green and metal ship coloring are in common.
  • The crew's uniforms are out of Wing Commander IV, including the design of Terran Confederation Unified Space Command shoulder patches renamed to United Empire of Earth.
  • The display globe includes references such as a Confed star logo, pilots Maverick & Deveraux in Alpha Wing, an item denoted as "Black Lance," mention of Wing Commander I 09/26/90 ship date
  • There's a scene with Colonel Roberts. 
  • In the cockpit, the game's iconic Terran ship is described as the Hornet Light Fighter on the center console.
  • The hornet forward fuselage is similar to the Hornet from Wing Commander I, and its canopy articulates in a similar way.
  • The Squadron 42 logo is similar to the flipped Wing Commander logo.
  • The crewman who salutes the player on the bridge is named Blair.

Ship Commercials

  • The constellation video features the Wing Commander callsigns Hobbes and Angel.
  • The vanduul fighter is similar to a dralthi.
  • The 300 series commercial director's cut features a scene referring to Wing Commander III.
  • The Constellation commercial is an homage to the 1968 2001: A Space Odyssey with the famous time cut of throwing the bone up and turning into a space station and a ship docking with a space station.[1]


Locker From Another Universe

2015 Leak

In may 2015 Disco Lando showed screenshots from the latest build of the game. However, there was a partial URL in the background, which turned out to be a CDN link to a cache of 48GB worth of screenshots, 3D models, information, and more, from the game’s ongoing build.[2] The event became canon.[3]

  • A book mentions that on the 25th of May 2945 a community manager at Original Systems, to highlight the upcoming space simulator Arena Commander, had released an image with part of a unique ID, which was reconstructed by the public, with highly sensitive data catalogued and shared across the spectrum within minutes. The book says that the most impenetrable cyber security practices all contain the same vulnerability, human error. Even partial or incomplete information can be dangerous and training as well as regular reminders are necessary. The book is orange, which might be a reference to The Rainbow Series of books about computer security standards and guidelines.

Bugs Smashers

  • Another book is the transcription of bug smashers episode 1.

Jobwell Holographic Screens

  • In 1.3, the Jobwell Holographic screens displayed a list of fictional elements, materials, isotopes, subatomic particles, medicines and drugs, referencing anything and everything from Star Trek dilithium to Star Wars bacta via Mithril, likely as a placeholder.

Nevergreen Barge Container

  • The Siege of Orison features a barge with a Nevergreen container, likely a reference to the Ever Green ship which blocked the Suez canal in 2021

Siege of Orison

  • In Siege of Orison, if you correctly guess the code to the Barge Containers, the mission giver will exclaim, "H-How did you do that?! You know what? I don't even want to know, great job." [4]
  • "Globy" was the first player to do this and subsequent Siege of Orison events now contain a database conversation that references this event[5]
Reveal spoiler

Chat Name: Party Supplies Chat Members: Ren, Stax

Ren: "Here's your code, Stax."
Ren: "0"
Stax: "Thanks Mendo, How you feeling?"
Ren: "I give us solid odds. The plan is as good as they come and the IFFI tech's impressive. Only question is if we got the right people to pull it off."
Stax: "Is this about me bailing for that stormwal tour?"
Ren: "Come on, man. You know I didn't mean you. Just worried about the download."
Stax: "It's gonna go fine. Even if they find out what's going on, it will be too late"
Ren: "Come on, man. You know I didn’t mean you. Just worried about the download."
Stax: "It’s gonna go fine. Even if they find out what’s going on, it’ll be too late to do anything."
Ren: "Yeah, especially since I got the system locked tight with a password generated from the first digit of all your codes."
Stax: "Well, there you go. Pretty much the only way they’d be able to stop us is if they pull a Globy and guess the damn thing."
Ren: "Out of curiosity, how was the tour?"
Stax: "Shit was crazy. Saw two of them out there in the last second."
Ren: "Crazy."
Stax: "Yeah, yeah. I know you don't give a shit."
Ren: "Let's get through this and maybe I'll start."
Stax: "Deal."



Deez Nuts

  • The ship retrieval console in Levski features a serial number D33Z NVT5 at the bottom.


  • There's a Christmas scene with Christmas trees and presents on microTech.
The remains of McCleary's artistic attempts

Paint on a microTech building

Mining Claims

  • R2D-C3P, a reference to R2-D2 and C-3PO from Star Wars.
  • JK7-L0L, just kidding lol.

Where's Waldo

  • Station hospitals have voice announcements saying "If anyone sees a patient in a red hat, red and white striped shirt, blue pants and glasses, please contact the desk to let us know where you spotted them."

Spaceships inspirations

  • The MISC Endeavor draws inspiration from the Valley Forge spaceship in the movie Silent Running.[1]


King Kong

  • The Astromedics minigame from the Apollo sales page is similar to Chris Roberts first game, King Kong.

Three Seashells
