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This Example Character article is to designed to help with adding new character articles to the wiki. Just follow the instructions below.

Usage Instructions

Create a new article, switch to the Source tab in the article editor, and then Copy and paste the following. Update each line, as appropriate. See: Template:Infobox_Character for documentation or look below.

{{Infobox Character
| Name =
| Image =
| Race =
| Gender = 
| Role = 
| Faction =
| Citizenship = 
| Born = 
| Died = 
| Organization = 
| Actor = 
| Occupation =
| Employer =
| Job Title =
| Workplace =  
| Rank = 
| Callsign =
| Branch =
| Unit =
| Service Start = 
| Service End =
| Office = 
| Office Start = 
| Office End =
| Party = 
| Constituency = 
| System = 

Description, in the form of a Bio, which may initially be from Comm-Link but is not limited to it. Regular namespace articles are updated as new information comes in.

Please note that as a regular namespace article (unlike Comm-Links), cannot be its own source. Please do cite sources.

Please do add wiki links to first appearance important names & terms.

End by copy/pasting:

== References ==
<references />


Naming Conventions

  • Character article should named by full first and last name of the person, can include middle names or initials to avoid disambiguation. Drop call signs or nicknames. Drop titles. (Can set up redirects when needed.)
  • Remove other special characters "][{}"
  • Do not use wiki-links in autolinked or categorized infobox fields (see Documentation or below).

Discussion of Infobox & Fields


As close as possible to legal name of the Character: First Name then last name. Middle initial only if needed to disambiguate.


Official Image if available.


One of the sentient races races here: Category:Alien Races. Will auto-link and auto categorize as: [[Category:{{{Race}}} Characters]]


Auto linked and categorized as [[Category:{{{Gender}}} Characters]]


Brief description of what role they play in SC/SQ42. More verbose than job title. This shows up on the various Character listings, like Category:Characters


One of UEE|Vanduul|Xi’an|Banu|Pirate|Outlaw|| or blank for none or unknown. Categorized as [[Category:{{{Faction}}} Faction Characters]]


Citizenship = One of UEE Civilian|UEE Citizen|blank


Date - Location


Date - Location (Anything at all here will mark the character as deceased. If exact date is unknown, use "?".)


Primary Org (outside of politics or military). (Note: we use Americanized spelling of Organisation with a "z" because that's what is used on the RSI website.)


If an actor is known to play the role (On video shorts like Empire Report or voice/performance capture), please note here.

Current Employment

If the field Occupation is populated, a current employment subsection will appear. The following fields will be a part of this section if populated. (Note that the other fields WILL still appear even if Occupation is left blank, but will be part of the first general section.)

This section is largely intended for merchants and various Comm-Link referenced "employed" characters. Occupation is generally left blank for military and politicians.



Job Title


Specific location ie Casaba Outlet - Port Olisar

Military Service

If the field rank is populated, a Military Service subsection will appear. The following fields will be a part of this section if populated. (Note that the other fields WILL still appear even if Rank is left blank, but will be part of the first general section or Current Employment if that exists.)


Highest Achieved Rank (unless a demotion occurred, which would make this highest achieved since demotion).


Callsign here. Can be used for nickname if non-mil.


Branch of Service, most commonly UEE Navy|UEE Marines|UEE Army, autolinked and autocategorized.


Unit, most recently assigned too Squadron 42 for example. Autolinked. (Maybe autocatogorized later?)

Service Start

If anything listed here, may be on active service. "?" is sufficient. Preferably a date, year at least.

Service End

If nothing listed here, or "Present"... AND something in Service Start.. is considered on active service. Anything else assumes out of the service, or hasn't started yet.

Political Office

If the field Officeis populated, a Political Office subsection will appear. The following fields will be a part of this section if populated. (Note that the other fields WILL still appear if populated even if Office is left blank, but will be part of the subsection above it, first general section, Current Employment, or Military Service.)


Autolink, autocategorized. Most often one of Senator|Speaker|Imperator

Office Start

If anything listed here, may be active office holder. "?" is sufficient.

Office End

If nothing listed here, or "Present"... AND something in Office Start.. is considered active office holder. Anything else assumes out of office, or hasn't started yet.


Autolink, autocategorized. Usually one Universalist|Centralist|Transitionalist


Who does this politician represent? Planet for Senators. Autolink.


Autolink. In what system is the constituency? Useful in the case of Senators & Local politicians to help find planet/constituency }}
