This documentation is transcluded from Module:Item/WeaponAttachment/doc. Changes can be proposed in the talk page.
Module:Item/WeaponAttachment is shared across the Star Citizen Wikis.
This module is shared across the Star Citizen Wikis. Any changes should also be relayed to the GitHub repository.
Module:Item/WeaponAttachment loads messages from Module:Item/WeaponAttachment/i18n.json.
This module is designed to be language-neutral. All of the messages are saved in the i18n.json subpage.
This module is unused.
This module is neither invoked by a template nor required/loaded by another module. If this is in error, make sure to add
/{{No documentation}}
to the calling template's or parent's module documentation.Function list |
require( 'strict' )
local p = {}
local MODULE_NAME = 'WeaponAttachment'
local i18n = require( 'Module:i18n' ):new()
local TNT = require( 'Module:Translate' ):new()
local smwCommon = require( 'Module:Common/SMW' )
local data = mw.loadJsonData( 'Module:Item/' .. MODULE_NAME .. '/data.json' )
local config = mw.loadJsonData( 'Module:Item/config.json' )
--- Wrapper function for Module:i18n.translate
--- @param key string The translation key
--- @return string If the key was not found, the key is returned
local function t( key )
return i18n:translate( key )
--- Wrapper function for Module:Translate.translate
--- @param key string The translation key
--- @param addSuffix boolean|nil Adds a language suffix if config.smw_multilingual_text is true
--- @return string If the key was not found in the .tab page, the key is returned
local function translate( key, addSuffix, ... )
return TNT:translate( 'Module:Item/' .. MODULE_NAME .. '/i18n.json', config, key, addSuffix, {...} )
--- Adds the properties valid for this item to the SMW Set object
--- @param smwSetObject table
function p.addSmwProperties( apiData, frameArgs, smwSetObject )
'Item/' .. MODULE_NAME
-- If the modifier equals to 1, then it does nothing and the data is not useful
-- TODO: Should we upstream this to Item?
local modifiers = { 'SMW_ModifierDamage', 'SMW_ModifierFireRecoilStrength', 'SMW_ModifierSoundRadius' }
for _, modifier in ipairs( modifiers ) do
local smwProp = smwSetObject[ translate( modifier ) ]
if smwProp then
if smwProp == 1 then
smwSetObject[ translate( modifier ) ] = nil
smwSetObject[ translate( modifier ) ] = smwCommon.format( { type = "number" }, smwProp )
--- Adds all SMW parameters set by this Module to the ASK object
--- @param smwAskObject table
--- @return nil
function p.addSmwAskProperties( smwAskObject )
--- Adds entries to the infobox
--- @param infobox table The Module:InfoboxNeue instance
--- @param smwData table Data from Semantic MediaWiki
--- @return nil
function p.addInfoboxData( infobox, smwData )
-- Barrel attachments
if smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'WeaponAttachment.Barrel' then
infobox:renderSection( {
content = {
infobox:renderItem( {
label = translate( 'LBL_ModifierDamage' ),
data = smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierDamage' ) ],
} ),
infobox:renderItem( {
label = translate( 'LBL_ModifierFireRecoilStrength' ),
data = smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierFireRecoilStrength' ) ],
} ),
infobox:renderItem( {
label = translate( 'LBL_ModifierSoundRadius' ),
data = smwData[ t( 'SMW_ModifierSoundRadius' ) ],
} )
col = 3
} )
-- Optics attachments
elseif smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'WeaponAttachment.IronSight' then
infobox:renderSection( {
content = {
infobox:renderItem( {
label = translate( 'LBL_OpticsMagnification' ),
data = smwData[ t( 'SMW_OpticsMagnification' ) ],
} ),
infobox:renderItem( {
label = translate( 'LBL_ZeroingRange' ),
data = smwData[ t( 'SMW_ZeroingRange' ) ],
} ),
infobox:renderItem( {
label = translate( 'LBL_ZeroingRangeIncrement' ),
data = smwData[ t( 'SMW_ZeroingRangeIncrement' ) ],
} ),
infobox:renderItem( {
label = translate( 'LBL_AutoZeroingTime' ),
data = smwData[ t( 'SMW_AutoZeroingTime' ) ],
} )
col = 2
} )
elseif smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'WeaponAttachment.Magazine' then
infobox:renderSection( {
content = {
infobox:renderItem( {
label = translate( 'LBL_Ammo' ),
data = smwData[ t( 'SMW_Ammo' ) ],
} )
col = 2
} )
--- Add categories that are set on the page.
--- The categories table should only contain category names, no MW Links, i.e. 'Foo' instead of '[[Category:Foo]]'
--- @param categories table The categories table
--- @param frameArgs table Frame arguments from Module:Arguments
--- @param smwData table Data from Semantic MediaWiki
--- @return nil
function p.addCategories( categories, frameArgs, smwData )
-- FIXME: Is there a way to make addSubcategory avaliable here?
-- Barrel attachments
--if smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'WeaponAttachment.Barrel' then
-- -- e.g. Category:Barrel attachments (Energy stabliizer)
-- table.insert( categories, string.format( '%s (%s)',
-- translate( 'category_weaponattachment.barrel' ),
-- translate( 'class_barrelattachmenttype' )
-- ) )
-- Optics attachments
--elseif smwData[ t( 'SMW_Type' ) ] == 'WeaponAttachment.IronSight' then
-- -- e.g. Category:Optics attachments (Telescopic)
-- table.insert( categories, string.format( '%s (%s)',
-- translate( 'category_weaponattachment.ironsight' ),
-- translate( 'class_opticstype' )
-- ) )
--- Return the short description for this object
--- @param frameArgs table Frame arguments from Module:Arguments
--- @param smwData table Data from Semantic MediaWiki
--- @return string|nil
function p.getShortDescription( frameArgs, smwData )
return p