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From the Star Citizen Wiki, the fidelity™ encyclopedia
Module documentation[view][edit][history][purge]
This documentation is transcluded from Module:Manufacturer/doc. Changes can be proposed in the talk page.
Function list
L 25 — t
L 35 — escapeMagicCharacters
L 49 — getMessage
L 57 — getManufacturers
L 84 — methodtable.get
L 113 —
L 128 — fromTemplate
L 156 — Manufacturer.getCode
L 165 — Manufacturer.getName
L 174 — Manufacturer.getNameButReturnName

require( 'strict' )

local Manufacturer = {}

local metatable = {}
local methodtable = {}

metatable.__index = methodtable

local MODULE_NAME = 'Module:Manufacturer'

local libraryUtil = require( 'libraryUtil' )
local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType
local i18n = require( 'Module:i18n' ):new()

local mArguments

local cache = {}

--- Wrapper function for Module:i18n.translate
--- @param key string The translation key
--- @return string|nil
local function t( key )
	return i18n:translate( key, { ['returnKey'] = false } )

--- Escape magic characters in Lua for use in regex
--- TODO: This should be move upstream to Module:Common
--- @param str string string to escape
--- @return string
local function escapeMagicCharacters( str )
    local magicCharacters = { '%', '^', '$', '(', ')', '.', '[', ']', '*', '+', '-', '?' }
    for _, magicChar in ipairs( magicCharacters ) do
        str = str:gsub( '%' .. magicChar, '%%' .. magicChar )
    return str

--- Helper function to get message from i18n
--- @param code string manufacturer code
--- @param messageType string 
--- @return string|nil
local function getMessage( code, messageType )
	return t( string.format( 'manufacturer_%s_%s', code, messageType ) ) 

--- Return the manufacturer table either from cache or build it from the i18n
--- @return table
local function getManufacturers()
    if #cache > 0 then return cache end

    local codes = mw.loadJsonData( MODULE_NAME .. '/data.json' ).codes

    local manufacturers = {}
    for _, code in pairs( codes ) do
        local manufacturer = {}
        manufacturer['code'] = code
		manufacturer['name'] = getMessage( code, 'name' )
		manufacturer['shortname'] = getMessage( code, 'name_short' )
        table.insert( manufacturers, manufacturer )

    if #manufacturers > 0 then
        cache = manufacturers
        --mw.log( '⌛ [Manufacturer] Initialized dataset' )

    return cache

--- Match the string with any value in the manufacturers table and return the manufacturer object
--- @param s string Match string
--- @return table|nil Manufacturer
function methodtable.get( self, s )
    checkType( MODULE_NAME .. '.get', 1, self, 'table' )
    checkType( MODULE_NAME .. '.get', 2, s, 'string' )

    --mw.log( string.format( '🔍 [Manufacturer] Looking for manufacturer: %s', s ) )

    -- Initalize manufacturers
    local manufacturers = getManufacturers()

    local regex = string.format( '^%s$', string.lower( escapeMagicCharacters( s ) ) )

    for _, manufacturer in ipairs( manufacturers ) do
        for _, value in pairs( manufacturer ) do
            if string.match( string.lower( value ), regex ) then
                --mw.logObject( manufacturer, '✅ [Manufacturer] Matched manufacturer' )
                return manufacturer

    --mw.log( '❌ [Manufacturer] Could not match manufacturer: %s', s )

    return nil

--- New Instance
--- @return table Manufacturer
function self )
    local instance = {}

    setmetatable( instance, metatable )

    return instance

--- Helper function for templates invoking the module
--- @param frame table
--- @param type string type of the value returned
--- @param returnKey boolean true to return key, false to return error
--- @return string
local function fromTemplate( frame, type, returnKey )
    mArguments = require( 'Module:Arguments' )
    local args = mArguments.getArgs( frame )
    local s = args[1]

    if not s then
        return string.format( '<span class="error">%s</span>', t( 'message_error_no_text' ) )

    local instance = Manufacturer:new()
    local match = instance:get( s )

    if not match then
        if returnKey then
            return s
            return '<span class="error">' .. string.format( t( 'message_error_not_found' ), type, s ) .. '</span>'

    return match[type]

--- Implement {{Manufactuer code}}
--- @param frame table
--- @return string
function Manufacturer.getCode( frame )
    return fromTemplate( frame, 'code', false )

--- Implement {{Manufactuer name}}
--- @param frame table
--- @return string
function Manufacturer.getName( frame )
    return fromTemplate( frame, 'name', false )

--- Implement {{Manufacturer return name}}
--- @param frame table
--- @return string
function Manufacturer.getNameButReturnName( frame )
    return fromTemplate( frame, 'name', true )

return Manufacturer