This documentation is transcluded from Module:Tabber/doc. Changes can be proposed in the talk page.
Module:Tabber is shared across the Star Citizen Wikis.
This module is shared across the Star Citizen Wikis. Any changes should also be relayed to the GitHub repository.
Function list |
This module is used by Lua modules to create Tabber layout.
local Tabber = {}
--- Helper function to get Tabber length
--- @param data table
--- @return number
local function getTabberLength( data )
local length = 0
for k, _ in next, data do
if string.find( k, 'label' ) == 1 then
length = length + 1
return length
--- Render Tabber
--- @param data table { label{n}, content{n} }
--- @return string wikitext of Tabber
function Tabber.renderTabber( data )
if type( data ) ~= 'table' then
return ''
local tabberContent = {}
for i = 1, getTabberLength( data ) do
local label = data[ 'label' .. i ]
local content = data[ 'content' .. i ]
if label ~= nil and label ~= '' and content ~= nil and content ~= '' then
table.insert( tabberContent, table.concat( { '|-|', label, '=', content } ) )
if next( tabberContent ) == nil then
return ''
return mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{
name = 'tabber', content = table.concat( tabberContent )
return Tabber