Quick facts:MPUV-1S
In lore
Argo Astronautics (ARGO)
Search and rescue
SnubShip Matrix sizeShip Matrix size is the vehicle size that CIG uses on the pledge store and ship matrix. It might not match the in-game size and can be outdated for flight ready vehicles.Data sourceShip Matrix
The Argo Astronautics MPUV-1S is a specialized version of the Multi Purpose Utility Vehicle that replaces the utility pod with a dedicated search and rescue section, complete with medical facilities.
Originally suggested as a potential third option during the concept sale of the MPUV Series in 2016, the status of including this specific variant in the game remains uncertain.[1]
Series variants
Image | Name | Description |
MPUV-1C | A cargo transport variant that can carry up to 2 SCU as well as 1 passenger. | |
MPUV-1P | A personnel transport variant that can carry up to 8 passengers. |
- ↑ Argo MPUV concept sale. Transmission - Comm-Link
Products of
Products of
List ofVehicles
List of
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Ground vehicles