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Ground vehicles

From the Star Citizen Wiki, the fidelity™ encyclopedia
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RSI Ursa all-terrain rover

Ground vehicles in the Star Citizen universe can have a variety of roles, including reconnaissance, combat, racing, and anti-air.

Like the Drake Dragonfly or the Aopoa Nox, they can be driven by the player to travel around planets, moons, hangars, or ship interiors, and must be otherwise carried by larger ships to leave the atmosphere or planet.

Ship/Vehicle Compatibility

Most ground vehicles are capable of being carried by ships across planets or into space. They may be loaded into the cargo bay or specific ground vehicle hangars from the ground.

The amount of Ground Vehicles that will fit into said vehicle will usually not be recorded as, the amount increase by a marginal amount making both the "Comfortable Fit" and the "Max Fit" conflicted in many instances.

Comfortable fit
⚠️ Uncomfortable fit / Not recommended
Does not fit

Wheeled and Tracked Vehicles

Ship \ Vehicle PTV STV Mule Cyclone Cyclone MT ROC CSV ROC-DS Ursa Storm Spartan Centurion Ballista Nova
Pisces series
300 series ⚠️
Reliant Kore
Avenger Titan
Cutter ⚠️ ⚠️
Vulture ⚠️
Cutlass Red ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
400i[1] ⚠️
A1 Spirit 2 2
C1 Spirit 2 2
Cutlass Black 7 ⚠️ ⚠️
Nomad ⚠️ ⚠️
Zeus Mk II CL
Caterpillar ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
Freelancer MAX ⚠️
600i Explorer
Valkyrie [2] ⚠️[3]
Corsair [4]
Starlancer [6]
Polaris (Cargo) [7] [7] ⚠️ ⚠️[7]
890 Jump
Hercules Starlifter

Hoverbikes & Mechs

This section is dedicated to the non-wheeled vehicles of the 'Verse.

Ship \ Bikes Pulse HoverQuad X1 Nox Dragonfly ATLS
Pisces series
300 series ⚠️
Reliant Kore ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
Avenger Titan ⚠️
Cutter ⚠️
Cutlass Black

Original List dataset from 3.18

Ground vehicle fitment Chart - Updated for Alpha 3.18.0

Vehicle List

Page ImageNameManufacturerRoleEntity lengthEntity widthEntity heightMinimum crewMaximum crewCargo capacity
ATLS in cargo elevator - cropped.jpgATLSArgo AstronauticsPower Suit1.8 m0 m2.8 m000 SCU
ATLS GEO x3 landing - Thunbnail.jpgATLS GEOArgo AstronauticsMining Power Suit1.8 m0 m2.8 m000.8 SCU
Ballista on glassland firing weapons - cropped.jpgBallistaAnvil AerospaceMilitary20 m10 m5.5 m000 SCU
Ballista Dunestalker on Hurston with weapons pointing upwards.jpgBallista DunestalkerAnvil AerospaceMilitary20 m10 m5.5 m000 SCU
Ballista Snowblind firing its torpedo - Cropped 2.pngBallista SnowblindAnvil AerospaceMilitary20 m10 m5.5 m000 SCU
CSV-FM driving around facility - cropped.pngCSV-FMArgo AstronauticsGround construction5.44 m2.81 m4.13 m000 SCU
CSV-SM driving through snowy outpost - cropped.pngCSV-SMArgo AstronauticsGround transportation5.44 m2.81 m4.13 m000 SCU
Centurion - In battle with all guns firing.pngCenturionAnvil AerospaceCombat20 m10 m5.5 m000 SCU
Cyclone driving through fire over V rocky world - cropped.jpgCycloneTumbril Land SystemsTransporter10 m0 m2.5 m000 SCU
Cyclone AA in 2948 Expo - Front.jpgCyclone AATumbril Land SystemsGround support10 m0 m2.5 m000 SCU
Cyclone MT driving through mountainous area - cropped and adjusted.jpgCyclone MTTumbril Land SystemsGround combat10 m0 m2.5 m000 SCU
Cyclone-RC on Hurston.pngCyclone RCTumbril Land SystemsRacing10 m0 m2.5 m000 SCU
Cyclone RN in 2948 Expo - Front Starboard.jpgCyclone RNTumbril Land SystemsExploration / Recon10 m0 m2.5 m000 SCU
Cyclone TR on Aberdeen - Front Starboard 1 - Cut.pngCyclone TRTumbril Land SystemsGround combat10 m0 m2.5 m000 SCU
Cydnus-citcon2024.jpgCydnusGreycat IndustrialMining   00 
G12 in garage - Cut.pngG12Origin JumpworksTouring7.25 m5.8 m2.75 m000 SCU
Origin Rover Armour Promo A GC 01B-1-Min.jpgG12aOrigin JumpworksMilitary7.25 m5.8 m2.75 m000 SCU
ORIG Rover Promo Racing Forrest PJ03-Min.jpgG12rOrigin JumpworksRacing7.25 m5.8 m2.75 m000 SCU
Vanduul Harvester2.jpgHarvesterVanduul ClansMining, salvage      
Lynx on platform in nightime Lorville - Cut.jpgLynxRoberts Space IndustriesLuxury Transport, Explorer7.75 m5.7 m3.5 m000 SCU
Mule front 'claw' holding a cargo box - Cropped.jpgMuleDrake InterplanetaryTransport4.2 m0 m2.7 m000 SCU
Nova x2 on battlefield - Cropped.pngNovaTumbril Land SystemsCombat20 m10 m10 m000 SCU
PTV - Updated 3D concept.pngPTVGreycat IndustrialTouring3.5 m2.5 m2.2 m000 SCU
Grin ROC Gallery Surface CaveMining.jpgROCGreycat IndustrialMining10 m3.9 m3.5 m000.8 SCU
GRIN ROC DS TopBanner - Crop.pngROC-DSGreycat IndustrialMining6.6 m10 m3.5 m003.5 SCU
Ranger Concept Racing.jpgRanger CVTumbril Land SystemsTouring3.7 m0 m0 m000.375 SCU
Ranger RC with NPC in front of signs.jpgRanger RCTumbril Land SystemsRacing3.7 m0 m0 m000 SCU
Ranger TR moving fast in dark firing guns.jpgRanger TRTumbril Land SystemsCombat3.7 m0 m0 m000 SCU
GRIN-STV-3.17.3-magda.jpgSTVGreycat IndustrialTransport10 m8.75 m3.5 m000 SCU
Spartan Concept Attack - cropped and adjusted.pngSpartanAnvil AerospaceTransport20 m10 m5.5 m000 SCU
Storm closeup firing weapons.jpgStormTumbril Land SystemsCombat Support10.5 m7.5 m3.6 m000 SCU
Storm AA in forest firing weapons - Cut - Contrast change.jpgStorm AATumbril Land SystemsCombat Support10.5 m7.5 m3.6 m000 SCU
UTV - 3D concept-min.pngUTVGreycat IndustrialUtility      
Ursa 3.1.4 01.pngUrsaRoberts Space IndustriesExploration7.75 m5.7 m3.5 m000 SCU
Ursa Fortuna on barren world - Leftside - cropped.jpgUrsa FortunaRoberts Space IndustriesExploration7.75 m5.7 m3.5 m000 SCU

