$ 35.00 ($ 25.00)
Time-limited sales
The RSI Aurora LX (also known as the Deluxe) is the luxury variant in the Aurora Series. The LX features patent leather interior to guarantee comfort for those long stretches in the deep black, but retains the 3 SCU Mini Cargo Pod container. This ship is a limited concept that is not available for regular sale.[1]
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2013-04-26 | Concept sale and introduced with the other variants of the Aurora.[2] |
2014-12-20 | Flight ready along with the rest of the Aurora series in Patch V1.0.0, the 1.0 release of Arena Commander (known as Dogfighting module).[3] |
2017-12-23 | Reworked along with the rest of the Aurora series in Alpha 3.0.0 on December 23, 2017.[4] |