MediumShip Matrix sizeShip Matrix size is the vehicle size that CIG uses on the pledge store and ship matrix. It might not match the in-game size and can be outdated for flight ready vehicles.Data sourceShip Matrix
LoanerLoaner vehicleGranted to player when that vehicle is unavaliable in game (e.g. gameplay bugs, not flight ready, etc.).Data sourceLoaner Ship Matrix
StandaloneStandalone pledge priceStandalone pledges are pledge packages that do not contain the game. Original price is shown in the brackets if it is different than the currnet price.
$ 190.00
WarbondWarbond pledge priceWarbond pledges are available at a discount as they are available for cash only and cannot be acquired using any amount of store credit. Original price is shown in the brackets if it is different than the currnet price.
$ 170.00
Time-limited sales
8 m
46 m
34 m
21 October 2023
The Zeus Mk II MR, produced by Roberts Space Industries, is a security-oriented spacecraft designed for multi-crew operations. Emphasizing security and the pursuit of bounties, the Zeus Mk II MR incorporates advanced technologies such as an Electromagnetic pulse device and a quantum dampener, which effectively counteract and neutralize potential threats from hostile entities.
Firepower consists of two forward-facing Size 4 lasers, a pair of remote turrets (one dorsal, and one ventral) each with a pair of Size 3 repeaters, and pair of size 4 missile racks with a total of 8 size 2 missiles.
Bounty hunting
This ship contains a sizeable weapons armory as well as storage that can hold up to 2 prisoner pods.
Crew habitation
The crew area is designed to be compact yet comfortable, ensuring optimal conditions for extended missions.
The RSI Zeus Mk II MR comes with an cargo hold that can carry up to 16 SCU of storage.
The series is named in homage to the first commercially available spaceship equipped with the Quantum drive, the Zeus, built by Roberts Space Industries in 2140. The Zeus Mk II has a passing resemblance to the original Zeus, with a more angled design.