Quick facts:Unidentified F8 Lightning variant
Active production
Active for Squadron 42, shown in CitizenCon 2954
Active production
Development, designers, and QA work from start to finish on the vehicle.
Unidentified F8 Lightning variant
Anvil Aerospace (ANVL)
Heavy Fighter
SmallShip Matrix sizeShip Matrix size is the vehicle size that CIG uses on the pledge store and ship matrix. It might not match the in-game size and can be outdated for flight ready vehicles.Data sourceShip Matrix
The Unidentified F8 Lightning variant is a variant of the F8A Lightning. It is seen piloted by Ryan Enright of the 42nd Squadron. It is manufactured by Anvil Aerospace.[1]
The F8 variant has the same firepower as its predecessor the F8A Lightning, carrying a suite of six Size 3 Panther Repeaters, and two Size 4 Revenant Gatling Guns.
Streamlined Design
The F8 variant streamlines the design of the standard F8A and includes a much smoother hull, and fully retractable blades on the front that extend in a two-stage mechanism.
Series variants
- Unnamed trainer variant: A military trainer variant with two seats in the cockpit.[2]
Products of
Products of
ArrowC8 PiscesC8R Pisces RescueC8X Pisces ExpeditionCarrackCrucibleDevastatorF7A Hornet Mk IF7A Hornet Mk IIF7C Hornet Mk IF7C Hornet Mk IIF7C Hornet Wildfire Mk IF7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk IF7C-M Super Hornet Mk IF7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk IF7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk IIF7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk IF7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk IIF7X Hornet Mk IIF8A LightningF8C LightningF8C Lightning ExecutiveGladiatorHawkHurricaneLegionnaireLiberatorOspreyPaladinT8A GladiatorTerrapinTerrapin MedicUnidentified F8 Lightning variantValkyrieValkyrie Liberator
List ofVehicles
List of
Sabre FirebirdAvenger TitanRedeemerCutter (drone)Sabre PeregrineGladiusRetaliatorNautilusSabreVanguard WardenAvenger WarlockSabre RavenHammerheadJavelinVanguard SentinelIdris-MHammerhead Best In Show EditionVanguard HarbingerVulcanIdris-KGladius ValiantIdris-PAvenger StalkerAvenger Titan RenegadeEclipseVanguard HopliteReclaimer Best In Show EditionSabre CometGladius PirateReclaimer
C8R Pisces RescueCrucibleF8A LightningF7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk IILiberatorDevastatorC8X Pisces ExpeditionPaladinGladiatorF7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk IIF7A Hornet Mk IIF7A Hornet Mk IF7X Hornet Mk IIF7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk IHurricaneF7C Hornet Wildfire Mk ITerrapin MedicF7C-M Super Hornet Mk IUnidentified F8 Lightning variantF8C Lightning ExecutiveOspreyF7C Hornet Mk IIC8 PiscesValkyrieF7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk IT8A GladiatorF7C Hornet Mk IValkyrie LiberatorArrowF8C LightningLegionnaireHawkF7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk ITerrapinCarrack
Cutlass Black Best In Show EditionCutlass RedKrakenCutlass BlueCutter RamblerHeraldCaterpillar Best In Show EditionKraken PrivateerDragonflyCaterpillar Pirate EditionDragonfly Star KittenCorsairIroncladCaterpillarCutter ScoutCutterCutlass SteelIronclad AssaultDragonfly YellowjacketVultureCutlass BlackBuccaneer
GalaxyOrionAurora CLZeus Mk II ESConstellation AndromedaScorpiusApollo TriageArrastraPolarisZeus Mk II CLScorpius AntaresApollo MedivacAurora ESPegasusZeus Mk II MRMantisConstellation TaurusPerseusAurora LXConstellation AquilaAurora MRBengalConstellation Phoenix EmeraldConstellation PhoenixAurora LN
Ground vehicles