Quick facts:Genesis Starliner
The LH307 Genesis Starliner is a mid-range passenger spacecraft manufactured by Crusader Industries. The spacecraft's interior can be adopted for a number of roles. Passenger and freight transport are the most common configurations of the Genesis, followed by military adaptations such as troop transports and Space Warning and Control System (SWACS) setups. Major space transport services such as Meridian Transit utilize the Genesis in their fleets as a way to standardize repair processes and lower maintenance costs.[1] The ship's success is attributed to Kelly Caplan's impressive design.[2]
Brochure description
...the Genesis-class includes support for forty passengers and eight crew. A fully modular interior allows individual concerns to adapt their ships to the task at hand, with aftermarket options for everything from complete luxury-oriented state rooms to passenger-free configurations!
The Genesis has found success in a variety of different configurations around the galaxy.
Ship profile
- There is a special customised version made for the UEE's Imperator called Imperator One. It features an advanced aerospace prototype testbed with offers increased security and added luxury for ferrying the sitting Imperator & staff to the various different off-world visits.
- The term Starlifter was originally referred to Genesis Starlifter, a variant of the Genesis Starliner. According to the 2018-05-04 episode of Reverse the Verse, the Genesis Starlifter has been retconned and replaced by the Hercules Starlifter.[5]
- The Starliner was named by Ben Lesnick in honor of the Boeing 307 Stratoliner plane. Boeing has since given the Starliner name to a spaceship.[6]
See also
- ↑ Galactapedia: Genesis. Galactapedia. Retrieved 2021-05-24
- ↑ Information display at the Crusader Industries Showroom. Star Citizen Alpha 3.15.0 - Star Citizen. Retrieved 2021-10-27
- ↑ The Genesis - Ship Page. Pledge Store
- ↑ The Genesis Starliner - Intro com-link. Transmission - Comm-Link
- ↑ Reverse the Verse - Hercules Starlifter and Anvil Hurricane
- ↑ "Long ago I named Star Citizen’s commercial transport the Starliner in honor of the Stratoliner… and since then Boeing has given the name to a real spaceship, built it and is now getting ready to launch it!", @banditloaf, Twitter, June 1, 2024