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NameManufacturerCargo capacity
Hull EMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern98,304 SCU
Hull DMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern20,736 SCU
JavelinAegis Dynamics5,400 SCU
Hull CMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern4,608 SCU
KrakenDrake Interplanetary3,792 SCU
MerchantmanBanu Souli2,880 SCU
IroncladDrake Interplanetary1,536 SCU
Ironclad AssaultDrake Interplanetary1,152 SCU
PioneerConsolidated Outland1,000 SCU
Idris-PAegis Dynamics995 SCU
Idris-KAegis Dynamics995 SCU
Idris-MAegis Dynamics831 SCU
Kraken PrivateerDrake Interplanetary768 SCU
C2 Hercules StarlifterCrusader Industries696 SCU
Caterpillar Pirate EditionDrake Interplanetary576 SCU
PolarisRoberts Space Industries576 SCU
ArrastraRoberts Space Industries576 SCU
CaterpillarDrake Interplanetary576 SCU
M2 Hercules StarlifterCrusader Industries522 SCU
EndeavorMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern500 SCU
Carrack ExpeditionAnvil Aerospace456 SCU
CarrackAnvil Aerospace456 SCU
ReclaimerAegis Dynamics420 SCU
LiberatorAnvil Aerospace400 SCU
890 JumpOrigin Jumpworks388 SCU
Hull BMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern384 SCU
OrionRoberts Space Industries384 SCU
RailenGatac Manufacture320 SCU
Genesis StarlinerCrusader Industries300 SCU
StarfarerMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern291 SCU
Starfarer GeminiMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern291 SCU
OdysseyMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern252 SCU
CrucibleAnvil Aerospace230 SCU
Starlancer MAXMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern224 SCU
A2 Hercules StarlifterCrusader Industries216 SCU
PolarisRoberts Space Industries216 SCU
Reclaimer Best In Show EditionAegis Dynamics180 SCU
Constellation TaurusRoberts Space Industries174 SCU
Starlancer BLDMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern128 SCU
Zeus Mk II CLRoberts Space Industries128 SCU
Freelancer MAXMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern120 SCU
Mercury Star RunnerCrusader Industries114 SCU
MOLE TalusArgo Astronautics96 SCU
MOLE CarbonArgo Astronautics96 SCU
Starlancer TACMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern96 SCU
RAFTArgo Astronautics96 SCU
Constellation AquilaRoberts Space Industries96 SCU
MOLEArgo Astronautics96 SCU
Constellation AndromedaRoberts Space Industries96 SCU
ValkyrieAnvil Aerospace90 SCU
Constellation Phoenix EmeraldRoberts Space Industries80 SCU
Constellation PhoenixRoberts Space Industries80 SCU
CorsairDrake Interplanetary72 SCU
CorsairDrake Interplanetary72 SCU
FreelancerMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern66 SCU
C1 SpiritCrusader Industries64 SCU
Hull AMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern64 SCU
GalaxyRoberts Space Industries64 SCU
ExpanseMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern64 SCU
NautilusAegis Dynamics64 SCU
PerseusRoberts Space Industries50 SCU
Cutlass Black Best In Show EditionDrake Interplanetary46 SCU
Cutlass BlackDrake Interplanetary46 SCU
600i Executive EditionOrigin Jumpworks44 SCU
600i ExplorerOrigin Jumpworks44 SCU
400iOrigin Jumpworks42 SCU
HammerheadAegis Dynamics40 SCU
Freelancer DURMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern36 SCU
Freelancer MISMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern36 SCU
GolemDrake Interplanetary32 SCU
ProspectorMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern32 SCU
Zeus Mk II ESRoberts Space Industries32 SCU
Valkyrie LiberatorAnvil Aerospace30 SCU
Apollo MedivacRoberts Space Industries28 SCU
Apollo TriageRoberts Space Industries28 SCU
NomadConsolidated Outland24 SCU
600i TouringOrigin Jumpworks20 SCU
MPUV TractorArgo Astronautics16 SCU
Zeus Mk II MRRoberts Space Industries16 SCU
FortuneMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern12 SCU
VultureDrake Interplanetary12 SCU
Cutlass RedDrake Interplanetary12 SCU
Cutlass BlueDrake Interplanetary12 SCU
315pOrigin Jumpworks12 SCU
SRVArgo Astronautics12 SCU
VulcanAegis Dynamics12 SCU
IntrepidCrusader Industries8 SCU
Avenger Titan RenegadeAegis Dynamics8 SCU
Avenger TitanAegis Dynamics8 SCU
300iOrigin Jumpworks8 SCU
135cOrigin Jumpworks6 SCU
Aurora CLRoberts Space Industries6 SCU
Reliant KoreMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern6 SCU
SyulenGatac Manufacture6 SCU
CSV-SMArgo Astronautics4 SCU
Mustang Alpha VindicatorConsolidated Outland4 SCU
CutterDrake Interplanetary4 SCU
C8X Pisces ExpeditionAnvil Aerospace4 SCU
C8 PiscesAnvil Aerospace4 SCU
Mustang AlphaConsolidated Outland4 SCU
350rOrigin Jumpworks4 SCU
325aOrigin Jumpworks4 SCU
Aurora MRRoberts Space Industries3 SCU
Aurora LXRoberts Space Industries3 SCU
Aurora ESRoberts Space Industries3 SCU
Aurora LNRoberts Space Industries3 SCU
Ursa FortunaRoberts Space Industries2 SCU
F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk IAnvil Aerospace2 SCU
125aOrigin Jumpworks2 SCU
F7C Hornet Mk IAnvil Aerospace2 SCU
RedeemerAegis Dynamics2 SCU
Cutter RamblerDrake Interplanetary2 SCU
Cutter ScoutDrake Interplanetary2 SCU
UrsaRoberts Space Industries2 SCU
MPUV CargoArgo Astronautics2 SCU
100iOrigin Jumpworks2 SCU
G12Origin Jumpworks2 SCU
MuleDrake Interplanetary1 SCU
CycloneTumbril Land Systems1 SCU
Reliant TanaMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern1 SCU
ROCGreycat Industrial0.8 SCU
F7C-M Hornet Heartseeker Mk IIAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
F7C-M Super Hornet Mk IIAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk IIAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
GuardianMirai0 SCU
Guardian QIMirai0 SCU
F8C Lightning ExecutiveAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk IAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
P-72 Archimedes EmeraldKruger Intergalactic0 SCU
PaladinAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
Dragonfly Star KittenDrake Interplanetary0 SCU
Terrapin MedicAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
ATLSArgo Astronautics0 SCU
Nox KueAopoa0 SCU
Unidentified F8 Lightning variantAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
F7X Hornet Mk IIAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
Ballista DunestalkerAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
Ballista SnowblindAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
Dragonfly YellowjacketDrake Interplanetary0 SCU
Sabre FirebirdAegis Dynamics0 SCU
Sabre PeregrineAegis Dynamics0 SCU
Gladius ValiantAegis Dynamics0 SCU
Kuail Kal'tuAopoa0 SCU
Sabre CometAegis Dynamics0 SCU
Storm AATumbril Land Systems0 SCU
ProwlerEsperia0 SCU
Ursa MedivacRoberts Space Industries0 SCU
Pulse LXMirai0 SCU
PulseMirai0 SCU
ScytheVanduul Clans0 SCU
F7A Hornet Mk IIAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
F7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk IAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk IAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
F7C-M Super Hornet Mk IAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
F7A Hornet Mk IAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
STVGreycat Industrial0 SCU
HoverQuadConsolidated Outland0 SCU
SpartanAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
ScorpiusRoberts Space Industries0 SCU
Talon ShrikeEsperia0 SCU
TalonEsperia0 SCU
MantisRoberts Space Industries0 SCU
Razor LXMirai0 SCU
Razor EXMirai0 SCU
NovaTumbril Land Systems0 SCU
HawkAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
NoxAopoa0 SCU
Vanguard HopliteAegis Dynamics0 SCU
HurricaneAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
PTVGreycat Industrial0 SCU
RazorMirai0 SCU
GladiatorAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
TerrapinAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
Vanguard SentinelAegis Dynamics0 SCU
Vanguard HarbingerAegis Dynamics0 SCU
Vanguard WardenAegis Dynamics0 SCU
P-72 ArchimedesKruger Intergalactic0 SCU
Reliant SenMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern0 SCU
Reliant MakoMusashi Industrial and Starflight Concern0 SCU
P-52 MerlinKruger Intergalactic0 SCU
MPUV PersonnelArgo Astronautics0 SCU
Mustang DeltaConsolidated Outland0 SCU
M50Origin Jumpworks0 SCU
Khartu-alAopoa0 SCU
SabreAegis Dynamics0 SCU
Mustang BetaConsolidated Outland0 SCU
HeraldDrake Interplanetary0 SCU
EclipseAegis Dynamics0 SCU
DragonflyDrake Interplanetary0 SCU
DefenderBanu Souli0 SCU
Cyclone TRTumbril Land Systems0 SCU
Cyclone RNTumbril Land Systems0 SCU
Cyclone RCTumbril Land Systems0 SCU
Cyclone MTTumbril Land Systems0 SCU
Cyclone AATumbril Land Systems0 SCU
Cutlass SteelDrake Interplanetary0 SCU
CenturionAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
C8R Pisces RescueAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
BuccaneerDrake Interplanetary0 SCU
BladeEsperia0 SCU
BallistaAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
Avenger WarlockAegis Dynamics0 SCU
Avenger StalkerAegis Dynamics0 SCU
ArrowAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
Ares Star Fighter IonCrusader Industries0 SCU
Ares Star Fighter InfernoCrusader Industries0 SCU
85XOrigin Jumpworks0 SCU
GladiusAegis Dynamics0 SCU
Mustang GammaConsolidated Outland0 SCU
F7C Hornet Mk IIAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
Fury LXMirai0 SCU
Fury MXMirai0 SCU
StormTumbril Land Systems0 SCU
FuryMirai0 SCU
Scorpius AntaresRoberts Space Industries0 SCU
E1 SpiritCrusader Industries0 SCU
A1 SpiritCrusader Industries0 SCU
LegionnaireAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
G12rOrigin Jumpworks0 SCU
G12aOrigin Jumpworks0 SCU
San'tok.yāiAopoa0 SCU
F8C LightningAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
Sabre RavenAegis Dynamics0 SCU
X1 ForceOrigin Jumpworks0 SCU
X1 VelocityOrigin Jumpworks0 SCU
X1Origin Jumpworks0 SCU
LynxRoberts Space Industries0 SCU
BladeVanduul Clans0 SCU
F8A LightningAnvil Aerospace0 SCU
GlaiveEsperia0 SCU
Mustang OmegaConsolidated Outland0 SCU
RetaliatorAegis Dynamics0 SCU
ScytheEsperia0 SCU


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